Sunday, August 22, 2010

Every Day is a Gift from God

So, I FINALLY figured out how to upload a picture on my blog. Whoo-hoo. I confess I am technologically challenged. And I'm still getting used to my Mac, so there's another learning curve. Good excuse.

 I had an epiphany about a week ago. I was in search of more hours in my day, to do things that needed to be done (like housework, yuk) and also more time to catch up on my reading, writing, taking pictures, talk to a loved one on the phone, or write a letter. Basically, all things that I enjoy doing in my life. So, I thought for, like, 30 seconds, and then...TA DA! Just like that, it came to me. Quit watching TV, silly! And so, I did. Closed the doors on my entertainment center (I know, SO yesterday) and sat down with a book. Amazing. I knew that TV had the capacity to make a mind turn to mush, but, why did it take so long to click about it being a useless time-waster? And I still was only watching on a heavy-hitting day about 4 hrs. of TV, which is STILL only half of what the average (whatever that means) American watches per day.

But that has become one to four hours in my day that was just "gifted" back to me. Did I already say, Amazing?? Oh well, willy nilly if I did. I'll never come close to the 1538 times Ali said it on the Bachelorette this past season. "Chris is going to take you to meet his family tomorrow." Amazing! "Frank is still in love with his old girlfriend." Amazing! "Roberto has agreed to stay in the Fantasy Suite with you tonite." Amazing! ""The camera man just barfed up his sushi all over the patio." Amazing! Ok, you get the pic...please pardon my pitiful digression.

TV...yeah, so I did some internet research (the other AMAZING piece of technology that causes us to go gaga)and it confirmed what I already knew. TV makes the mind a bowl of mush. Cold, glazed over, unappealing mush. That's not to say that I'll never voluntarily set my eyes on another TV screen as long as I live, but it is to say that if I'm going to partake, I'm also going to acknowledge that I am, indeed, vegging out while the left, thinking, reasoning, discerning side of my brain goes out to lunch....or supper or...We are being programmed to NOT think anymore. Blame it on the producers, the advertisers, the media, blame it on the President, I don't care. But the truth is, it's WE who are pushing the remote.
All that to say: Time is a commodity these days. At least it is to me. And to find a few extra hours a day to create, to invest in relationships, to listen to the silence, to sit and do nothing, without apology...well, that, for me is pretty phenomenal.
Truly, every day IS a gift. :)

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