Monday, August 2, 2010

"Our greatest danger in life is to allow the urgent things to crowd out the important."

So, let's break this down to where we live...

Paying the electric bill that was due... yesterday, vacuuming the dead flies up out of my living room window sill, finding the match to my favorite black shoe,searching online for a place to vacation, going to the grocery store for butter for tonight's dinner, watching the Bachlerette finale to see who Ali chooses (PLLEEEEEAASE!), trying to decide...for hours... what color to dye my hair, getting the last bid in on Ebay as the seconds tick by, mopping the sticky kitchen floor where the lemonade was spilled, taking a shower so I can get to the post office on time...

Writing those long overdue cards to my loved ones, listening to a friend who NEEDS me to just listen...for as long as it takes to pour her heart out, kissing my husband goodbye when he walks out the door, playing with my grandson, talking to my girls, savoring the moments of stillness with God, long phone conversations with my son, chatting on the porch with my favorite neighbor, laughing at my little dog as she runs around in circles, holding the door for the lady with the overflowing grocery cart and four fussy kids...

So many days, I DO allow the urgent to take precidence over what's important. I get caught up in too many things that matter little in the bigger perspective. I let other people's "emergencies" and my own obsessiveness cloud my judgement and flitter away my time. But I am learning, slowly, as I grow older and (hopefully)a tad-bit wiser, the vast difference between urgent and important.

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