Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"Sometimes I get the feeling that the aspirin companies are sponsoring my headaches." -V.L. Allineare

What if much of what we've always believed to be true turns out to be a lie? Like believing in Santa as a kid, most all of us believe in doctors, prescription drugs, the government, charity foundations, etc. At least to a certain extent. But what if the joke is on us?

A close friend of mine lost her husband to cancer three years ago. She wrote about the experience and shared it with me. It was heartbreaking that they felt lied to at almost every turn by almost every doctor. (There was one old MD that they felt was sincere.)
Call me a conspiracy theorist or a Bible thumpin' scripture quoter, but one thing rings true to me. The LOVE of money, indeed seems to be, the root of ALL evil. At first, that is hard to imagine. I can see, MOST, maybe...but ALL? C'mon now. But every time I pull a thread and begin to unravel the sweater, it turns full-circle back to the love of mammon.

A few questions to ask yourself:

  • Who seems to advertise even more than the automobile industry? If you  guessed pharmaceutical  companies, you are right. 
  • When was the last time you went to the doctor and he/she talked to me more about diet and exercise as a way to prevent/cure illness, than about writing another prescription?
  • If something as simple as eating organic foods and taking vitamin C was the prevention/cure for cancer, would there be any money to be made by oncologists and drug companies?
If keeping Americans sick and ignorant also keeps the coins clinking in the pockets of the powers that be, why would they waste time on prevention education and cures? Only to ultimately be standing in unemployment lines?
I know full well that I am on a rant, but after reading more information today, I do feel just furious! We are being played like someone's fiddle and we say, THANK YOU, and go along on our merry way.
At the risk of sounding like a hypocrite, I do still take prescription drugs. I am asking God for wisdom and courage to get off of them. I deal with clinical depression and thus far, have not done well trying to stop these meds, but it doesn't mean I'll quit trying.
We take so, so many things at face value and trust people we don't know who unfortunatley do NOT have our best interest in mind 99% of the time.
What if the cure for cancer has been under our noses all along, but we've been sold a bill of goods for someone else's job security, which, of course, comes back to the LOVE OF MONEY.

Okay, self, just calm down. and and out.....I'm going to take a break...have a cup of antioxidant tea, maybe sit on the porch and meditate on something more positive for awhile.

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