Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"We are stripped bare by the curse of plenty" -Winston Churchill

I'm beginning to think that America, at large, has gone mad. From our economy,to our families, to our politics, entertainment, out-of-control consumerism, the "church" of Jesus Christ, not-with-standing. We are being lulled into a trance, taken in by a spell, reeled in on a hook. We have allowed ourselves to become brain-washed into believing that right is wrong and wrong is right, that wants are needs and that stuff will somehow make us happier, more beautiful, more alluring, and successful. We have become lovers of mammon and pursuers of power. Self-indulgent to the point of being sickening. How did we get here? And how do we escape this insanity?
In our prosperity, we have forgotten who we are, not only as Christians, but as human beings. Now, I understand why David asked God to give him neither riches nor poverty, but just enough. But I wonder, if in our materialistic society, we even know what just enough is anymore. Is a cupboard containing rice and canned green beans "enough?" Do I consider myself deprived if I have no meat? Are 6 pairs of shoes "enough?" Because I probably have 25 pairs of shoes, (including sneakers and slippers) and I don't consider myself a "shoe person." Don't ask me about my pens. I likely have 100 or more. I wonder how I sleep at night. I want to be a better person. I don't want to be devoid of charity as I revel in my abundance. I want to share what I've been given...really care about others, not just act like I do. I want to give more than I get. And put more value on people than things.

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